Monday, 20 January 2014


Most burglars prefer to hit commercial property rather than private homes, they`re favorite are retail stores. Burglars can enter retail stores during business hours and check the inventory, the prizes and where they need to go to get the best stuff, that makes it a lot easier to steal and sell the stuff afterwards.

Some of the major techniques that burglars use are:
- Most work in groups, one serving as a lookout while the others ransack the place
- The targets are often acquaintances
- Some call the occupants from a pay phone, if the phone is still ringing when they arrive, they know no one is home
- Some stake out residences to learn the occupants routine
- Most avoid occupied residences, considering them high-risk targets

There are different reasons why burglars like to hit the same target more than once:
It takes less effort to break and enter a home known to be a suitable target than an unknown or unsuitable one, the burglar is aware of the targets layout, Goods that could not be taken out the first time can be taken out now, escape routes are known and  the conditions of the environment have probably not changed.

To become a professional and good burglar, the novice gets taught by a professional and he needs to learn the four basic skills: They must learn the skills needed to commit a good break and enter, that means gaining entry in buildings, selecting the right targets, selecting the right items and knowing how to use the equipment.
Another skill is to be able to team up with others and form a criminal gang, it is important to choose the right people for the job. The third skill would be that they are able to get inside information, they know whats inside, they know how to avoid getting caught and they spend less time getting the stuff. The last skill is to find fences or buyers for the stolen stuff, after stealing the stuff they need somebody to buy there stuff so that they still get a reasonable profit.
These skills can be learned by either being a highly respected gang member, by knowing somebody in the neighbourhood who is a professional burglar or by having spend time in prison.

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